Personal knowledge vs. artificial intelligence…
In point of fact, nothing is of any worth in the spiritual life, except what ends in practice. –Cécile Bruyère, The Spiritual Life and Prayer
Most of our Catholic spiritual classics were written for religious. The few that were not assume a Christian culture. Caveat lector.
Considering that we continue to sin, it behooves us to continue to forgive those who sin against us.
Simply say no, yes, yes, yes, yes. —after Sc. 31, Matthew 5:37
Painted crosswalk
Yellow paint
Forthcoming in Comment
We are not the Creator, and must accept the mysteries of life as they are given us. —John Jay Chapman
Robert Shaw Minturn (1863–1918)
John Jay Chapman on Robert Shaw Minturn
He was able to write for our class gatherings papers which he read aloud, and which reduced every one in the room to tears. This was partly due to his elocution which was truly remarkable, I used to get him to read pieces of my own aloud, because he could put more significance into them than I could myself; and he could read them at sight, no matter how illegible the condition of the manuscript might be. He had the old cultivation, the old literary passion, the old training. His favorite bits of prose and verse lived for him with a perennial life, and he could rehearse and recite them, as people used to do in 1850. —John Jay Chapman, Uncollected Memories, 2022, p. 28.
Why say good? One is good, who is God. Sc. 71, Matthew 19:17
Q: What kind of Catholic are you? A: Bad. Walker Percy
Art plays its part exclusively on earth, where today it feels – though vaguely – the want of something else that went with the loss of God, namely the loss of the Devil. —Barzun, The Use and Abuse of Art, “Art the Redeemer”, p. 91
phobia: an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear Merriam-Webster
phobia: a persistent and irrational fear APA
Unpopular opinions about postures during Mass:
- The Great Amen at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer is better sung standing than kneeling.
- The Agnus Dei is better sung kneeling than standing.
- The people should remain kneeling when the priest sits after giving Communion.
The Evangelists, and probably Jesus, quoted the Septuagint. One can be Catholic in English.
Although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones. —from today’s Gospel reading
Clever people blind themselves to the word of God. —Fr. Julian A. Davies, OFM, in his homily today
The educated have much to unlearn.
Everyone I know got the shot. If friends and family depended on agreement, I’d be alone.