A leading Pharisee gives a large dinner party to which he invites Jesus and the Apostles.

Seeing the guests eagerly seeking the best places, Jesus speaks to the twelve.

Don’t sit in the best seats when you’re asked to a banquet.

Someone worthier than you may have been invited.

Your host may say to you, give this person his seat, and you will have the shame of trying to find a place far away.

No, when asked to a banquet, go and sit in the worst seat that your host may say to you, friend, come closer.

Then your fellow guests will be delighted to sit and eat with you.

He turns to his host.

When you give a party or a feast, don’t invite only your friends, your relatives, and your rich neighbors.

They will repay you by inviting you to their parties and feasts.

Beg the poor, the sick, the cripples, the blind to come.

You’ll be fortunate because they can’t repay you.

When the just rise from the dead, then you’ll be repaid.

Blessed is he who will eat bread in God’s kingdom.

A man once gave a great banquet and invited many guests.

When the meal was prepared, he sent his servant to tell the guests, come, everything is ready.

But every one of the guests excused himself.

The first said, I’ve just bought some property and must inspect it.

Please say I can’t attend.

Another said, I’ve just bought five yoke of oxen and must look after them.

Please say I can’t attend.

And another said, I’ve just gotten married, I can’t come.

When the servant returned and reported to his lord, the master became angry and said, quick, go into the streets and alleys of the town and bring here the poor, the sick, the cripples, and the blind.

The servant did this.

He returned to his master and said, Lord, we did what you asked and there is still room.

The master said, go out into the roads and the fields and force those you find to come in until my house is full.

But not one of them I invited first shall taste my banquet.