People who believed in the COVID shots, masks, and lockdowns also believed in the 2020 election.

Galbanum has a foul aroma to remind us that everyone’s prayers were allowed to be uttered—even those of sinners. —Natan Lawrence, “The Altar of Incense …

Different from other men – anti-vaxxers, election-deniers, transphobes – and from that trad. —after Sc. 69 and Luke 18:11

Since I am made in the image of God, what I prefer may be what God prefers. This is the basis of parables.…

There was a wind, and now we’ll have a little more sky.

Remember me and do this. Sc. 82, Luke 22:19

We don’t go back, we remember by doing.

While they’re waiting he has already given them everything they need. Sc. 69, Luke 18:8

Every careless word you speak you will have to account for in the day of judgment: by your words you will be saved in that day, and by your words you will be condemned. Sc. 38, Matthew 12: 3637. See also James 3:6.


Ozu, a man with the spirit of clown, was really humorous. So I hate to treat him as legend and worship like a God. The clown is lonely, but he must hide his loneliness and play the fool joyfully, comically. That’s the spirit of Ozu’s films. —Yuharu Atsuta

At the hospital, faced with his body, I didn’t feel like crying at all. Just as my eyes met Hara san (Setsuko Hara), I burst into tears. Looking back, that’s the moment when I realised his death. —Yuharu Atsuta

It’s like rediscovering the wheel, but it’s got to be a better wheel than before. —John Rist, Confusion in the West, 17:21

The first thing is to clear the ground. —John Rist, Confusion in the West, 22:43

Why ask God to accept something not as good as the TLM?

Counterfeit money is money.

She may still exist in undiminished vigour, when some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Pauls. —Macaulay, quoted in Vivienne Morrell, “The ‘New Zealander’ contemplates the ruins of London”

You wouldn’t have to start by believing in God, you should start by being honest. —John Rist, Confusion in the West, Part 3, 22:43

I do want to emphasize that in contrast to other Catholic thinkers in the Middle Ages, like Aquinas for example, Augustine is not a systematic thinker. He is basically a preacher. —Professor John Rist, Confusion in the West, Part Two, 16:20