A young man runs up and kneels before him.

Good teacher, what must I do to always have life?

Why say good?

One is good who is God.

If you want life, keep the commandments, which you shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.

I have kept these since childhood.

Jesus puts his hands on the young man’s shoulders.

If you wish to be perfect, sell what you have and give to the poor for treasure in heaven.

Then walk with me.

The young man turns away sorrowing, for he owns much.

A rich man will find it hard to enter the father’s kingdom.

It is easier for a camel to walk through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter my father’s kingdom.

The apostles stare at Jesus.

Children, how hard it will be for the rich to enter the father’s kingdom.

Then who can be saved?

With men it can’t be.

With God, all can be.

We’ve given up everything to walk with you.

What will we get for it?

What I say to you is, in the next age, when Adam’s son sits on his throne of power, you who have walked with me will sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

Whoever gives up for me his home and possessions, his brothers and sisters, his father and mother, and his children, will in this life have hundreds of possessions, homes, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and children, and in the next life will live forever.

We’ve served God our entire lives.

The father’s kingdom is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire workers for his vineyard.

He agreed with the workers on the day’s wage and sent them into the vineyard.

He went out at mid-morning and found others standing idly in the marketplace.

He said, Go into the vineyard, I’ll give you what is right.

At noon and in the afternoon he hired more workers.

Then near the end of the working day he went out and found others still idle.

He asked, Why stand here all day doing nothing?

They said, Nobody hired us.

He said, Go into the vineyard and I’ll give you what is right.

Evening came.

The landowner said to his foreman, Call the workers in and pay everyone his wage.

When the workers who were hired last came up they received the day’s wage.

The workers who were hired first expected more, but they also received the day’s wage.

As they took it they complained to the landowner.

The last were here an hour and you treat them equally with us who have done the bulk of the work through the heat of the day.

But the landowner said to their leader, Friend, I didn’t cheat you.

Didn’t you and I agree on the day’s wage?

Take your pay and go.

I give to these last the same as I give you.

May I not do what I want with my own estate?

Are you resentful because I am generous?