With prayer, things happen that would not have happened.

Every Catholic is in a culture in time, but Catholicism is “beyond culture” and eternal.

“It is a mark of the professional that he knows the books he does not need to read, indeed ought not to read, because they get in the way of his pursuit of the truth.” —Frederick D. Wilhelmsen, “The Great Books: Enemies of Wisdom.”

“We no longer live in a book-dominated culture; to treat our students as though we did is to violate their very psychic structure. Today we enter a new kind of Middle Ages, but Great Books people still absent-mindedly behave as though they were living in the eighteenth or nineteenth century. Ibid., published in Modern Age, Summer/Fall 1987. [https://incudireddere.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/wilhelmsen.pdf]

I would rather live under a good king than a good president. Viva Cristo Rey!