Not I but Jesus brought you [me?] to Jesus.

It is [would be?] easier – though still difficult – for me to to be Setsuka Hara than to be Jesus to you.

“Whatever is worth doing is worth doing badly.” This applies to some things, like prayer, but not to [some] other things, like mountain climbing.

Better to be a saint than talk about sanctity.

If the Mass is the greatest prayer, what is the Mass badly done? Shall we agree with Fr. Jaki that the Mass is often an invitation to suffer?

Many people speak and read aloud so badly that it is better if they spoke and read in a language we do not know, so we would be unaware of how badly they sound.

If Setsuko Hara (in Ozu’s films) is less sinful than any other person I know, then it is wise for me to pray to Jesus that I be more like Setsuko Hara. For for me to be more like Jesus in the Gospels is out of the question and for me to be more like Jesus in books would not be to be more like Jesus but to be more like [what] authors say is Jesus. Better for me to smile and cry and be quiet and be nobody that anybody takes too seriously. Besides, I know Noriko, whereas I only know about Jesus. To say that I know Jesus would only make an author, and an author I am not.

I have never met a person who reminded me of Jesus. Is this not proof that I don’t know Jesus? True, I have never met a person that reminded me of Noriko, but I have seen Noriko.

The first commandment first.

Beauty that does not wish to impress.

How much better it is to say φίλο or amo and not have to say I

Guard against self-improvement.

We are commanded to ask. We are not commanded to meditate or contemplate.