In Bethany Martha and Mary’s brother Lazarus is sick.

The sisters send word to Jesus, Lord one whom you love is sick.

The sickness won’t end in death.

They remain where they are two days.

Then let’s go and see Lazarus.

Lord a little while ago they tried to stone you.

You want to go back?

Doesn’t the day have 12 hours?

If someone walks in the light he won’t fall because he’ll see the world in light.

But if he goes by night he will fall because he will have no light in him.

Our friend Lazarus is asleep.

I must wake him.

Lord if he’s asleep he’ll get better.

Lazarus is dead.

For your sakes I’m glad I wasn’t there.

So you’ll believe.

Now let’s go to him.

Let’s go and die with him.

By the time they reach Bethany Lazarus has been buried four days.

Martha and Mary are in the house with friends who have come to comfort them.

Many are from Jerusalem two miles away.

Martha hearing that Jesus is nearing the village goes to meet him.

Lord if you had come sooner my brother wouldn’t be dead.

Even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.

Your brother will live again.

I know he’ll live again at the resurrection on the last day.

I am the resurrection and life.

Who believes in me and dies will live.

And who lives in me will never die.

Do you believe?

Yes Lord I believe that you are the Messiah.

God’s Son who has entered the world.

Martha goes home and whispers to Mary.

Our master’s here.

He’s asking for you.

Mary gets up quickly and the sisters leave the house.

Their friends follow thinking they’re going to weep at the grave.

Mary goes to Jesus and falls at his feet.

Lord if you had been here my brother wouldn’t have died.

Where have you laid him?

Lord come and see.

They go to the cave where Lazarus is buried.

Jesus is crying.

Some of the mourners are saying see how much he loved him.

Others the man made the blind see but could he have kept Lazarus from dying.

Push the stone away.

Lord he’s been dead four days.

By now he’s stinking.

Didn’t I say to you that if you believe you’ll see God’s glory?

The stone is removed.

Jesus looks at the sky.

Father I thank you for hearing me and though I know that you hear me always yet I say it now that those who stand here with me will believe that you sent me.

He looks into the tomb.

Lazarus come out.

Lazarus who was dead comes out.

He’s still wrapped in his grave clothes and his face is covered.

Untie him and let him see us.

Many now vow their support of Jesus.

Others go off to tell the Pharisees what happened.