Outside the city, they are met by a large crowd.

Two blind men, sitting along the road, hearing that Jesus is passing by, yell, Lord, Son of David, help us! Some in the crowd try to quiet them, but again they yell, Lord, Son of David, help us! Jesus stops and asks them to come to him.

The same people who were trying to quiet them now say, Be happy, he’s calling you.

They jump up and throw their cloaks off.

What do you want me to do for you?

Teacher, let us see.

Jesus touches their eyes.

Your faith makes you whole.

Go your way.

They see and follow him into the city.

Zacchaeus, the chief taxed official of the city and a rich man, wants to see who he is.

Being very short, he can’t peer over the crowd, so he runs ahead and climbs a sycamore, hoping to have a good look at Jesus going by.

Jesus reaches the tree, looks up, and sees the tax official.

Zacchaeus, jump down quick.

Today I’m your guest.

Zacchaeus jumps down and greets Jesus.

Some people in the crowd are muttering, he’s staying with a trader.

Sir, I’ll give half my property to the poor, and if I overtax anyone, I’ll repay him four times the amount.

Today freedom comes to your house.

This man, too, is Abraham’s son.

Adam’s son has come to look for and save those who are lost.