He’s walking with his followers.

A rich man had a steward who was accused of misusing the property.

He called him in and said, What’s this I hear about you?

Hand in your records.

You’re no longer my steward.

The steward walked away saying to himself, What shall I do now that my master is taking this stewardship away from me?

I can’t dig.

I’m ashamed to beg.

I must see to it that even when I’m no longer steward, I shall be taken into people’s houses.

The steward called on the rich man’s debtors.

He said to the first, How much do you owe my master?

And when the answer came, A hundred measures of oil, He said, Take your bill, sit down, and quickly write in fifty.

He asked another, How much do you owe?

When the answer came, A hundred measures of wheat, He said, Take your bill and write eighty.

The master heard of this and commended the unjust steward for his cunning.

The children of the world know better than the children of light how to deal with the world.

I say to you, Use the things of this world to make friends, so that when you fall out of the world they will receive you in their eternal homes.

Whoever can be trusted with little things can be trusted with great.

Whoever cheats in little things cheats in great.

If you can’t be trusted with wealth that rots, who will trust you with true wealth?

If you can’t be trusted with what is lent you, who will give you anything to own?

A rich man and a beggar lived in the same neighborhood.

The rich man dressed in purple and in linen and ate sumptuously every day.

The beggar, whose name was Lazarus and who was full of sores, lay at the rich man’s door, for he hoped to feed himself with the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table.

And besides, the dogs came and licked his wounds.

The beggar died and was carried by angels to Abraham’s bosom.

The rich man also died.

He was buried, and from hell he lifted his eyes in torment.

Far off he saw Abraham with Lazarus in his arms.

He cried, Father Abraham, pity me, send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue.

Abraham said, Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, while Lazarus received their droppings.

Now he is comforted, and you are in torment.

Moreover, there is a great gulf between us and you.

They who would pass from here to you cannot, nor can they pass to us, who come from you.

The man who had died rich said, If that is true, Father, I pray you, send him to my father’s house.

I have five brothers, and he will warn them, and they won’t come to this place of torment.

Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets to listen to.

The man said, No, Father Abraham, if someone came to them from the dead, they will repent.

Abraham said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, they will not listen when a man rises from the dead.

Lord, increase our faith.

If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could tell this mulberry, Be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you.

If you had a servant plowing a field or feeding cattle, would you say when he comes in, Please sit down and eat?

Should a master reward his servant for obeying him?

When you have done all the things commanded you, you will say, I am a useless servant, I have only done my duty.