People tell him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had spilled on their sacrifices.

Do you think they died because they were worse sinners than other Galileans?

I say they were not, and unless you reverse yourselves, you also shall die.

Consider the eighteen who were crushed when the Siloam Tower fell.

Do you think they died because they were worse sinners than the other Jews of Jerusalem?

I say they were not, and unless you reverse yourselves, you also shall die.

A fig tree grew in a vineyard.

The owner came looking for fruit, and finding none, said to the gardener, Look at this.

Three years I have come here expecting fruit, and have found not a fig.

Cut it down.

Why waste this space?

But the gardener said, Lord, give it another year.

I shall dig around it and give it manure.

If it bears fruit, good.

If it does not, then I will cut it down.