A man asks a favor.

Master, talk to my brother.

Tell him to give me my share of our inheritance.

Friend, who made me a judge between you and him?

If he wrongs you, tell him about it between yourselves.

If he listens, you won him over.

If he doesn’t, bring one or two others and establish the truth.

If he doesn’t listen, inform the community.

If he doesn’t listen to the community, then he’s a stranger to you.

But why be rich since you won’t find life in what you own?

A man once reaped a tremendous harvest, much more than he could store.

How could I do better, he thought, than pull the old granaries down and put up larger ones?

I’ll store all the grain and also my possessions.

I’ve enough for many years.

I’ll lie back, eat, drink, really enjoy life.

But God said, fool, tonight your life will be taken from you.

Who will now enjoy what you have provided?