Tweets on the Hail Mary.

The Hail Mary is a hopeful prayer, and more than that, it is a happy prayer.

First, because we get to talk to Mary.

Second, because we get to play an angel.

Third, because we get to play a saint.

Fourth, because we get to pray with the church.

Fifth, because we get to tell the young Mary good news.

Sixth, because we see the blessedness of Mary and of the baby in her womb.

Seventh, because the baby will be born.

Eighth, because the baby is God.

Ninth, because the mother of God prays for us.

Tenth, because the mother of God prays for us even though we are sinners.

Eleventh, because the mother of God prays for us now.

Twelfth, because the mother of God prays for us every time we pray the Hail Mary.

Thirteenth, because we will not die alone, but the mother of God will be with us, praying for us when we die.

Fourteenth, because the mother of God is our mother.

Fifteenth, because we know our mother’s name, Mary.

Amen, so be it.

Amen, so be it.

Amen, so be it.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Blessed Leo the Less, August 30th, 2018.