Going for a walk before Mass.

It seems that Hamas has more support in the West than in the Middle East.

To continue an injustice is to commit injustice. —Mommsen, quoted by Joseph Epstein, “Hail, Mommsen”

The bench, as well as the floor, is heated.

One ought to stress especially those historical realities from which threads run to our own period and culture. There are more of them than one would think. The continuum is magnificent. The peoples around the Mediterranean and over to the Gulf of Persia are really one animate being, active humanity par excellence. —Burckhardt, Judgments on History and Historians, I, 1. Ancient History and Its Scope

The Christian Bible includes the Old Testament and not the Koran.

Behind the Albany, NY, City Hall, Nov. 1, 2023. Haven’t been here in a while.

NYS Capitol, All Saints Day, 2023. A peace gathering occurs here on the 1st Wednesday of every month.

The Paternal State and Tyranny

The new paternal state, despite its benevolent trappings, carried the potential for the unlimited exercise of power and despotism. With such barriers to state power as the Church and the aristocracy weakened by the advance of popular democracy, egalitarianism, and industrialization, it seemed to Burckhardt only a matter of time before state power would be put in the service of tyranny. —Alberto R. Coll, Foreword, Burckhardt, Judgments on History and Historians

Why say good? One is good, who is God. If you want life keep the commandments. Sc. 71, Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18–19, Luke 18:19–20

Spiritual advisors – and the Church generally – might do well do ponder these words of Christ.

Anti- , pro-, -phobia, -philia should be legal. Government should limit itself to enforcing: “Crime you cannot commit.”

The average man cannot do the sum, he does not follow the reasoning, but he knows the answer. —John Jay Chapman, “The Unity of Human Nature”

I imagine that the “Palestinians” – whoever they were – were angry when Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to their homeland.

The environment of politics is circumstance. Politicians should change their minds – or at least their actions – when circumstances change. The State is in danger when politicians become philosophers.

Possible freeze this week.