Those who receive the Body with unworthy dispositions have in store for them the same punishment as those who pierced it through with nails. —St. John Chrysostom
The will is free but weak.
This present life is the time for penance and for the remission of sins; in the life to come, the just judgment of retribution will take place. —St. Basil
Who are you, shipwrecked man? Leontichus found My corpse on the shore and over it heaped this mound, Bewailing his own sad life, for neither is he At peace, but flits like a sea-gull over the sea. —Challimachus (tr. Maurice Baring)
The best claim that a college education can possibly make on your respect, the best thing it can aspire to accomplish for you, is this: that it should help you to know a good man when you see him. —William James, “The Social Value of the College Bred”
Higher education hasn’t been doing this.
New Collection of Translations:
Wicked conversations corrupt good characters. —St. Cyrian
Evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33, Menander?, Euripides?
Sheep and Goats
All the nations will be gathered…. Lord, when did we …. Lord, when did we …. Sc. 78, Matthew 25: 32, 37, 44
This must mean that numbered among the sheep and the goats will be many who didn’t know Christ.
Also: Observe how they had failed in mercifulness, not in one or two respects only, but in all. —Chrysostom. This means that succeeding in one or two respects is sufficient to be a sheep. For some sheep it may be enough to be anti-abortion and not pro-life, with all that pro-life is said to be.
Those who wish to proclaim the true Christ by word and example must expect to pay dearly for their profession of faith. —John A. Hardon, S.J., ed., The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom, 1987, Introduction, xvii.
The Christian way is not to make too much of attitude.
O Fountaine of Blandusia! thou dost shine,
More clear then glasse, worthy of sweetest wine;
—from Horace’s Fons Bandusiae: A Collection of Translations
There was no reply.
A glance at the elderly gentleman sitting on the other side of the table told me plainly what he had in his mind; but as he was a highly paid master in a highly respectable school, he forbore to give utterance.” (Agnes Repplier, Eight Decades, 1937), quoted
Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated):211 translations of Carpe Diem (Odes I.11) 238 translations of Integer Vitae (Odes I.22) 173 translations of Vitas Hinnuleo (Odes I.23) 159 translations of Aequam Memento (Odes II.3) 165 translations of Rectius Vives (Odes II.10) 173 translations …
I propose for consideration the possibility that for the future of Christianity, the Jews are more important than the Greeks or the Romans.
The Popperian Podcast #29 – Rafe Champion – ‘Jacques Barzun’
Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated):205 translations of Carpe Diem (Odes I.11) 232 translations of Integer Vitae (Odes I.22) 170 translations of Vitas Hinnuleo (Odes I.23) 158 translations of Aequam Memento (Odes II.3) 162 translations of Rectius Vives (Odes II.10) 169 translations …
New Collection of Translations:
New Collection of Translations:
Brightened my morning.