Better face justice in this world than in the next.

If nothing else, Donald J. Trump is the poster child of political persecution.

Wood tones

When comes the sun?

The ode “Diffugere nives”, read by John Derbyshilre (@DissidentRight)

Looking at this, we decided we would paint the stoop. We may also use feet instead of saucers under the pots.

A desire to do good is not, and never has been, a motive power in the acquisition of wealth. —Agnes Repplier, “Money”

Wine is for mirth, and not for madness. —Saint John Chrysostom, quoted, Agnes Repplier, “The Strayed Prohibitionist”

[Also quoted in The Anatomy of Melancholy]

The absence of data leaves room only for surmise. —Agnes Repplier, “Woman Enthroned”

[With “trans-women” we have more data.]

The world is not nearly so simple a place as the sexualists seem to consider it. “The Virtuous Victorian”

The counsel of Christ is necessarily personal & intimate. What the Gospel asks, & has always asked, is the reformation of ourselves. What the world asks now are state reforms & social reforms – the reformation of our neighbors. —Agnes Repplier, “Consolations of the Conservative”

Mr. Chesterton, upon whom the delight of startling his readers never seems to pall, has declared that men are more sentimental than women, “whose only fault is their excessive sense.” —Agnes Repplier, “The Cost of Modern Sentiment”

The FBI stated they were afraid the informant would be killed if unmasked… —Congresswoman Luna

The authorities have not been good at protecting people, but the informant might be less vulnerable unmasked:

“And now I must exist again. Or I may vanish for good. A man who does not exist can be got rid of easily,” Maxim said. —Lionel Trilling, The Middle of the Journey

The State does not want to tell us what it thinks, the State wants us to think what it tells us.

Are we more like Carthage or Rome?…

I suppose a single live man and a million of live men as well.

It is permissible to observe a difference between one’s general conclusions and one’s private predilections. What I see and infer makes me reconciled to sing a Requiem for high art, convinced as I am that the grand Renaissance conception of high art is no longer alive. But the Requiem I want to hear from my own pleasure at home and with friends is the Requiem of Mozart or the Requiem of Berlioz, in whom that conception was still alive and potent. There is no contradiction and my kind attention to myself will not delay the advent of the new man. —Barzun, The Use and Abuse of Art

Another photo from a film camera.