Eternity matters.

A Catholic Atheist

Google Maps: “Austin” by Ellsworth Kelly

Jason John Paul Haskins in Texas Architect:

Abstract Arch: The Duck Test

Tradition[alism] Resurgent (Presbyterian ad orientem?)

My sense is that the apse and altar here [at St. John the Evangelist in Schenectady NY] results in a posture more appropriate to the Tridentine liturgy. —Jason John Paul Haskins, Schenectady’s Grotesque Grotesques

The rain stopped after the event. Center Square Association photos from 2022

“Only God can forgive sins.” Sc. 29, Mark 2:7

Seeing tweets about Marko Rupnik caused me to buy Caravaggio – A Life Sacred and Profane by @Andrew Graham-Dixon

In the Book Extract it should be “the detective” instead of “die detective”. There are several other typos in the extract.

Book: Caravaggio by Andrew Graham-Dixon

Unfortunately, a rainy day for Center Square’s Stoop Stroll.

I believe: stop my not believing. Sc. 54, Mark 9:24

One must first believe before one’s unbelief is helped.

This man, being but a beginner in believing, prayed the Savior to add to his virtue what was wanting. Chrysostom

I would like to call out to everyone who is riding on this train: “Jump out before the train reaches its destination, even if it costs you your life!” —Franz Jägerstätter

Punishment is the inevitable consequence of man’s attempt to regulate life and society on a system that runs counter to the facts of his own nature. Dorothy L. Sayers

Get out of my way, Satan, you are a stone in my path. You speak for men and not God. Sc. 52, Matthew 16:23, Mark 8:33


Is being hurt by the truth a problem? —Fr. Gerald E. Murray, ‘The Synodal Church of ”Me, Myself, and I”'

A baby is delivered, not created, at birth.

One should not imagine that the Apostles said the Our Father as they walked with Jesus; nor will we say the Our Father in heaven. If you are with Jesus, be with Jesus. If you are with the Father, be with the Father.

The First Amendment does not restrict religion. The First Amendment restricts government.

After they die, many people are going to places they don’t believe in.

Jacques Barzun, “Baseball’s Best Cultural Critic”, Turns His Back on the Game, by Douglas McDaniel

But: “As this book neared completion, Mark Twain’s Life on the Mississippi and MIke Stadler’s Psychology of Baseball figured among his current reading. —Michael Murray, Jacques Barzun, 2011.