Now come the greens.

The potato salad is the first to arrive.

“The Church of the modern world”. Quoted

The Church wants to be a church of a world that is passing – has passed.

Analysis of motives behind Francis appointing Victor Manuel Fernandez to the Doctrine of the Faith

Pope Francis is living his last days, and is looking to ensure that everything he has done in his pontificate will be “tied up and well tied up.” But we know how long the knots tied by poor Francisco Franco, when he said this phrase in 1969, actually lasted. Caminante Wanderer

I thought at the time was a cliché. Now I know it’s a cliché because it’s true. —Peter Hitchens

The choice of belief is driven by desire. —Peter Hitchens

Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. Sc. 87, Luke 23:34

It was still grave sin and great suffering to the Son of God.



“Master, Master, haven’t we done great things in your name?” Sc. 31

He knows you by little things.

“only one little onion” —quoted by Gary Saul Morson

“an hour” —Sc. 71, Matthew 20:12

“And indeed,” Alyosha asks himself, “was it to make wine abundant at poor weddings He had come down to earth?” —Gary Saul Morson

19. A Wedding

Alyosha, instructed by Father Zossima, detects the presence of the Holy Spirit in love of life [“the sheer, biological life force”] for its own sake. —Gary Saul Morson

Thus is the Holy Spirit in the dandelion, in the cockroach, in the human fetus.

Ivan chooses “not to think.” And this is one way evil happens. —Gary Saul Morson

“It’s magnificent, Alyosha, this science! . . . And yet I am sorry to lose God.” The Brothers Karamazov, quoted by Gary Saul Morson

Individuality is essential to humanness, as it is not to molecules. —Gary Saul Morson, quoted by Spencer A. Klavan

Hence not just a clump of cells.

My heart seems to be waiting – for something. Noriko Hirayama

Whose sins you forgive will be forgiven. Sc. 97, Matthew 16:19, 18:18, John 20:23

A Church that has winked at sin for two generations may have to consider a general amnesty.

A prophecy.

They Refused Stories or interviews of persons who refused to get the COVID shot might make for a valuable book. Best to do now while memories are fresh.