During Mass, we speak to God, to the priest, and – once – to persons next to us. The last speech is not as important as the others
I had a sensation of Shaw nodding courteously, as if to acknowledge that I have at least done my best. —Colin Wilson, George Bernard Shaw
So I with Jesus, as I was writing Gospel Scenes.
'The Fundamental Objection to Socialism'
A nationalised business belongs to nobody – for the ‘state’ is nobody. Shaw had said it in The Apple Cart: ‘Everybody’s business is nobody’s business’ – yet had still not recognised that he had stated the fundamental objection to socialism. —Colin Wilson, George Bernard Shaw, 1969, Afterword (1980)
The classics say things that we think and feel, and cannot say better ourselves.
We “can’t go back,” but we can say the Nicene Creed: “I believe” and “we believe,” not “they believed” or “we used to believe.”
It is a serious fault to think that because something is true, one has to feel a particular way about it. Pope Francis and many other priests suffer from this fault.
When an increasing number of people believe an election is stolen, or a vaccination is not safe or effective, it is not a proper response to say to them, “You can’t prove it.” The proper response is to reduce that number in open and honest ways.
Don’t say “(Lord) hear our prayer,” but “(Lord,) hear our prayer.”
Better NO Masses?
The particular NO Masses that nearly all of us attend might be improved in various or even many ways. For example, by a sound instinct, the cantor at Historic St. Mary’s in Albany, NY, always sings “Agnus Dei,” the first and only use of Latin in our Mass. This Mass could be improved if the celebrant followed this by saying to the people, “Ecce Agnus Dei”.
Place of worship ≠ God’s house
One cannot help liking Nietzsche for his sincerity.
Without God in life and death
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. —Sc. 78, Deuteronomy 6:5, 10:12, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27
People who get along very well without God in their lives may have to get along without Him after their deaths.
If you want to be in heaven after you die, act now as if you belong there.
Entering the Adirondacks

They were able to return. —Micro Camp 2023: Anna Havron
People will be surprised what brings them to heaven or to hell.
The prodigal son committed a mortal sin, the elder son committed a venial sin. This doesn’t answer anyone’s questions, but is something to ponder.