The past several years have shown that many people cling to absurd beliefs contradictory to one’s own beliefs.
If you want life keep the commandments. Sc. 71, Mark 10:19
When the world was Catholic, the world needed better Catholics; now that the world is not Catholic, the world needs Catholics.
Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit. Mark 3:30
The eternal sin that will not be forgiven: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Protector, the Spirit of Truth.
Many people thought that the COVID shots were safe and effective and that the 2020 election was honest.
Mary Murphy, “New Friends”. Mary Meets Barbie.
Mary Murphy: Not Just for Kids

The World is not the Devil
My kingdom isn’t in the world. Sc. 87, John 18:36
Two things to consider:
- When we fight with men, as we sometimes must, we are in this world.
- When we fight with the devil, as we sometimes may have to, we are not fighting with men.
Get out of my way, Satan. Sc. 53, Matthew 16:23, Mark 8:33
Yet Peter is a saint, and Satan is a devil.
“my race” —from today’s 2nd Reading, Romans 11:14
“Race” is more commonly translated “people” or “flesh” (Ronald Knox: “flesh and blood”, which seems good).
HCO Hot Sauce, made in Albany, NY.

The kids aren’t religious. —Catholic father from Boston visiting his daughter.
But he’s not going to Mass either, and his daughter might convert to Judaism.
Herbert Butterfield, Christianity, Diplomacy, and War
A Bit of Chestnut Street, Albany, NY
A nice neighboring family just said goodbye to us. The mother, a professor who will be at Rutgers, made the drawings to remember her old home in her new.
Butterfield holds that to view the United States purpose in World War I as the preservation of the world for democracy was immoral. To seek for unconditional surrender on the basis of the absolute evil inherent in the national life of German and Japan in World II was immoral. —Alvin Pitcher
God does not destroy His creation, including Satan.
One can be with God without His talking to you. Usually He doesn’t.
The Greek Jews shake their heads and go back to the Temple. Sc. 80
Perhaps we should pause more often than we do.
In Jesus Christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message: it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same. —Marshall McLuhan
The tax collectors and the prostitutes will enter the kingdom before you. Sc. 78, Matthew 21:311
That person whom you disrespect may be close to heaven.
If you are not afraid of going to hell, you are in the wrong place.