Come into my Father’s blessing and inherit the kingdom I have prepared for you from the beginning of creation. Sc. 78, Matthew 25:34
One needn’t become divinized to have eternal life. [Sc. 71, Mark 10:19]]
In Millerton, NY

From *Erasmus of Rotterdam* by Stefan Zweig @waisberg
People who are far from God’s kingdom in life will be far from God’s kingdom in death.
London eye and light, two photos sent to us by someone visiting there.
The gates of hell shall not prevail. Matthew 16:18
Those of us who believe in Jesus should not for a moment consider what would make us believe that the gates of hell have prevailed. The Jews lost their First Temple and then lost their Second Temple and now have no Temple, but there are still Jews.
Not art appreciation, but more important.
We ought to read in such a manner that we appropriate from what we have read the moral lesson that lies hidden behind it. —Georg Brandes
For those of us who are not practitioners, the most important thing we can get from a work of art is a moral lesson. This is true even if we and others get different lessons, and even if the work or the artist’s intention isn’t explicitly moral and the moral lesson is, as Brandes writes, “hidden”. And indeed, in most works of art, the moral lesson is not a moral but a vision.
The Church must find a place to stand to move the world.
That many people believe, rightly or wrongly, that the election was stolen makes the belief a political issue that should be discussed, not squelched.
The people were told … The way of the world … Sc. 31, The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus builds on morals that were accepted (mores).
“each other” Gospel Scenes
“each other” Bryan A. Garner
On Numbers 5:15.…
Just as an unattractive person gladly receives the love of an attractive person and becomes more attractive, so we gladly receive the love of God and become more lovable.
This is another case where a man forces a possible abortion on a woman.…
Why say good? One is good, who is God. Sc.71, Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19
Of course, I want to be good, but with me it’s rather a human thing.
The angels and saints are happy if you go to Heaven, not unhappy if you go to Hell.
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, they say, when there is no Holy Spirit.