The Church must find a place to stand to move the world.

That many people believe, rightly or wrongly, that the election was stolen makes the belief a political issue that should be discussed, not squelched.

The people were told … The way of the world … Sc. 31, The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus builds on morals that were accepted (mores).

“each other” Gospel Scenes

“each other” Bryan A. Garner

On Numbers 5:15.…

Just as an unattractive person gladly receives the love of an attractive person and becomes more attractive, so we gladly receive the love of God and become more lovable.

This is another case where a man forces a possible abortion on a woman.…

Why say good? One is good, who is God. Sc.71, Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19

Of course, I want to be good, but with me it’s rather a human thing.

The angels and saints are happy if you go to Heaven, not unhappy if you go to Hell.

I’m a great believer in boredom. —Barzun

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, they say, when there is no Holy Spirit.

Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt, as I understand the subject; difficulty and doubt are incommensurate. —Newman

I’m told that SUNY Albany now prefers to be called “UAlbany.” I suggest a southern flavor: “Y’allbany.”

Since in prayer we are with God, prayer is its own reward.

On praying to Mary: Perhaps, think of it this way: we are cup measures; Mary deserves a quart (or more), God, a gallon (or much more, up to infinity). Knowing that Mary is not God, we always try to pray our full cup.

The poor Roman Catholics, obliged to start from scratch, have produced an English Mass which is a cacophonous monstrosity (the German version is quite good, but German has a certain natural sonority: But why should we imitate them? —W. H. Auden