There are triumphant losses more to be envied than victories. —Montaigne, quoted, Stefan Zeig, The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin

Whose image and name are on it? Sc. 78, today’s Gospel

Here Jesus refers to Genesis 1:26, 27.

Nobody talks like him. Sc. 56, John 7:46


The written word has never, in times of tension and doom, the strength of warm and living speech. —Zweig, ibid.


Visiting friends.

It’s kind of weird to think that the animal-rights activists have more clout with vaccine companies than do the anti-abortion activists. —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

No final drug is ever completely ‘pure’ and you will find contaminating DNA and cellular debris from the production cell in your final product. When we switch from using animal cells to using human cells we now have human DNA in our vaccines and our drugs. —Dr. Theresa A. Deisher

“Master, Master, open the door!” Sc. 78, Matthew 25:11, Luke 13:25

Some who ask to enter will not.

That there are no contemporary records of Christ’s life should console people who are sad because no one hears them.

Write for today; few of us will be remembered tomorrow, except in eternity.

Horace’s Donec Gratus Eram A Collection of Translations

Whether or not a human fetus is a person, it is a human being.

The flat assertion that society has gained “an increasing awareness” of the dignity of the person is not only patently false, but it makes a mockery of the countless lives lost to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia every year. —Liam Gibson, “The abolition of the death penalty and human dignity”

If I am important enough to go to heaven, I am important enough to go to hell.

One accepts dogma, which is true; one judges pragma, which can be mistaken.

Zweig, Erasmus of Rotterdam

Dozens of times did Luther and Erasmus utter the self-same thoughts, but, whereas Erasmus exercised a titillating effect upon the minds of intellectuals, Luther’s words, thanks to his torrential impetus, immediately became a popular slogan, a call to arms, a formative demand, racing forth into the world like animated firebrands to kindle the consciences of men. —Zweig, Erasmus of Rotterdam

Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. Sc. 87, Luke 23:34

This doesn’t mean it was ok what they did.