William Schmitt, Way of Martyrs

Richard Holmes, Are you there, God?

Mary at Westminster Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Emmanuel Baptist Church in the background.

Between Israel and no Israel: Israel

I know the girls. Who’s the guy?

In Guilderland, not the Amazon.

77 ° in Albany, NY, on Oct. 27.

Evidence of lower is not evidence against higher.

Go out into the roads and the fields and force those you find to come in, until my house is full. Sc. 64, Luke 14:23

God’s kingdom has been coming in strength and seizing strong men. Sc. 36, cf. Matthew 11:12

Castellio’s family called itself Châteillon, Châtillon, or Châtaillon; under the Savoyard rule, perhaps Castellione or Castiglione. —Stefan Zweig, The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin

… Luther, Lhuder, Lutter, or Lotharius as he was variously known … —Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence, p. 4

Price of a buttermilk biscuit, Chatham, NY

July 21, 2021: $3.00

Nov. 13, 2021: $3.75

April 23, 2023: $3.95

Oct. 24, 2023: $4.25

Philip Francis , 1743 (1708–73; English Clergyman and Writer) translates Horace’s “Rectius Vives”

Art is less noble and commendable than nature.

Popular opinion is wrong: it is much easier to go along the sides, where the outer edge serves as a limit and a guide, than by the middle way, wide and open, and to go by art than by nature; but it is also much less noble and less commendable. Greatness of soul is not so much pressing upward and forward as knowing how to set oneself in order and circumscribe oneself. It regards as great whatever is adequate and shows its elevation by liking moderate things better than eminent ones. —Montaigne, Essays, quoted

You are not responsible for your country, for your continent, you are not. You are responsible for yourself. If you are not holy, you are to blame, no one else. —Wanda Półtawska

Word of the Day: Axiomatic

Oren Cahanovitc, A Kibbutz Supermarket Tour

Persona Christi. Persona is feminine, which shows that gender doesn’t determine sex.

I Spy Spiral